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Ticket Management

Aavaz ticket management had different features for admin and agent


For admin:

1) Ticket Follow Up:

  • Total number of Tickets by their ticket Status (New, Open, Pending, Solved, Closed) will also display on Ticket Strip.
  • Ticket by Ticket Status in strip can be filtered by Category/Priority/Type/Date- created/next step/Pick date.


2) Manage All Tickets:

  • Now filter can be done in better way as Ticket Type/ Priority/Status are given with search criteria.
  • Tickets can also be Filtered/Viewed by All Tickets/SLA Violated Tickets.


For caller:

1) Ticket Follow Up:

  • Total number of Tickets by their ticket Status (New, Open, Pending, Solved, Closed) will also display on Ticket Strip.
  • Ticket by Ticket Status in strip can be filtered by Category/Priority/Type/Date- created/next step/Pick date.
  • "SLA Violated Tickets" is introduced under which if tickets are not resolved within 'Resolve Time' then it will be marked as "SLA Violated tickets". These tickets can be filtered by selecting respective radio button.
  • "Answer yes" is having now Edit Contact option to edit the contact.


Ticket Management

US: +1-818-208-4208| US Toll Free: +1-844-220-4448| UK Toll Free: +44-800-048-8178| India: +91-72900 71228|