customer communication platform

Capture AMI data with tcpdump and read them with wireshark and other unix tools

August 4, 2023 410 No Comments

To see what AMI events are actually coming on the wire you will need to perform the following steps.

  1. Capture Packets
  2. Convert Into Readable Text
    1. with tshark command
    2. with Wireshark


Capture Packets

tcpdump -i lo -nqtttt -s 0 -A '((src port 5038) or (dst port 5038))' -w ami.pcap

In above command from loopback (not ethernet) and saved into ami.pcap

tcpdump -i eth0 -nqtttt -s 0 -A '((src port 5038) or (dst port 5038))' -w ami.pcap

In above command from ethernet0 (might be different on your system) and saved into ami.pcap

Boxdocker…all the programs are using loopback in the container.

sudo su -
tcpdump -i lo -nqtttt -s 0 -A '((src port 5038) or (dst port 5038))' -w ami.pcap

install tshark and you don’t have to download to your local system for wireshark.

Convert The pcap Into A Readable File with tshark (easier)

Run the following command

tshark -r ami.pcap -V -T text | grep ^[0-9] | cut -c57- | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/\.\./\n/g'

Move the ami.pcap file to a place you can download

mv ami.pcap /var/www/html/

Then download it on to your system which has wireshark installed.


Convert The pcap Into A Readable File with Wireshark

In Wireshark got to File -> Export Packet Dissections -> As Plain Text…

Save it as ami.txt

Make ami.txt Readable

Then run grep/cut/tr/sed (probably can do with just sed)

cat ami.txt | grep ^[0-9] | cut -c57- | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/\.\./\n/g' > readable.txt

You can then open readable.txt in your editor of choice.

Understand the commands (Ignore this if you don’t want to learn)

Breakdown and explanation of above oneline with temporary files for interim steps

grep ^[0-9] ami.txt > t3

Remove all lines that don’t start with a 0

cut -c57- t3 > t4

Remove all hex data

cat t4 | tr -d '\n'

Join all the lines together into 1 large line

sed 's/\.\./\n/g' t5

Add line breaks by replacing all “..” with line feed character