customer communication platform

“The way to customer’s heart is through good personalized customer service.”

April 29, 2019 549 No Comments

Retaining over reining in

Don’t just read the articles that tell you how to reel in customers. Put the tips in to practice by performing A/B tests on multiple channels and find the right one to nurture your leads towards conversion. The more attention you give, the more conversions you get.

Building connections everywhere

At different stages of a customer’s journey, a company requires different channels to communicate and connect. Website tracking to get insights on a prospect, chat systems to break the ice with a lead, voice to close the deal, and email to ensure reliable support; all are used to connect with people in a better way. Because connections make businesses…oh, and it helps to have marketing, lead tracking and ticketing baked right in.

Linking and passing notes

Multiple channels means a headache to keep eyes on things. Establishing links between various mediums is rewarding, but time-consuming. Especially, when the support team has next to no clue about customer conversion, and the sales team has to pass notes on the same.

The little things that matter

Seeing and working towards the bigger picture is well and good. However, when it comes to maintaining relationships with customers, it is the little things, that matter. Highly configurable CRMs often fail due to complexities; however specialized tools work their charm every time.

Different, yet the same

Multiple contact channels provide overlapping functions which provide a lot of similar information that is repetitive and time consuming to segregate. If only this information could be collected in the system, analyzed and listed out efficiently by a single, offer it all CRM

Dialogue is the cure

Any problem will seem trivial with conversations. If they are coupled with context, a useful reflection and recording the right metrics, the result will be all channels working together in harmony.

Sell it when you love it

Selling a product or service for its benefits is not enough. For it to affect customers positively dogfooding is essential, and that is what we did. The result? We love it, and we know, for a fact, that you will too.

Effective changes

Hard work pays off and so did ours. The unified approach to contact channels has led to one system and one login. Sales team no longer scramble for customer information for monitoring activities is, now, easier, allowing them to efficiently serve the customers.

There is more…

Nothing will limit growth if one is motivated, and we are very much so. Our framework allows the inclusion of new channels of communication. Keep a lookout, for there is more to come.