customer communication platform

The Importance of a Smooth Customer Call Experience

July 14, 2021 330 No Comments

Phone calls are most likely the first point of contact for your customers. These interactions count a lot as they can make or break your reputation in the market. Smooth conversations have great chances of conversions. By smooth we mean, a conversation that flows back and forth naturally and fulfils the objective of a call where both the parties have been heard and understood clearly.

Phone calls are a vital part of your customer success operation. Every interaction that your support team has with your customers gives them insight into what kind of company you are. No matter how well versed or soft-spoken your sales or support teams may be in offering a healthy customer experience, there’s always a scope for improvement. Keeping this in mind, let’s unveil the role phone calls play in ensuring a great customer call experience, why they make for an essential part of your customer support, and how to improve your overall phone experience.

How Crucial is the Role of Phone Calls in the Customer Experience?

The time that your customer support and sales team devote to phone calls with your customers shapes the overall customer experience. Let’s dig deeper into the definition of the phone experience. The Phone experience involves each and every call and interaction that your customers experience with your business throughout their journey from the first call to the most recent interaction overall. In short, the phone experience is what your customers perceive about your brand image after talking to your customer support representative.

The simplest way to enhance your phone experience is by moving to a cloud-based phone system. It enables you to integrate diverse communication channels such as email, instant messaging, and chat with your phone systems so that you can reach out to your customers in their preferred communication modes.

Studies indicate that more than 50% of the customers prefer to reach out to customer care executives by phone to resolve their queries if the matter is urgent. This is the perfect opportunity to add one more happy customer to your list of testimonials by offering a seamless phone experience to your customers. Most of the time, these customers turn into loyal customers, and you get business through these word-of-mouth recommendations.

What Makes for a Good Phone Experience?

It is apparent that your customer support teams need to have good business phone etiquettes to handle the toughest calls like a breeze. They need to be soft-spoken and polite at all times. However, there are more ways to serve your customers better. One of those ways is to empathize with them and respond according to the way they think, feel, and behave. With the right technology and workflows, you can deliver exceptional customer experiences every time and set the stage for generating higher revenues as customers tend to pay more for great customer service.

Quick Ways to Improve Your Overall Phone Experience

Inbound and outbound calls are a platform through which your contact center can build lasting impressions on your customers. Staying in touch with your customers allows you to build long and healthy relations. Ensuring improving overall phone experience is a first step towards securing growth for your company.

Here’s what you need to do to improve your phone as well as customer experience:

  1. Empower your sales and support representatives with the right call center solutions to offer personalized customer experiences in addition to training your support representative with the right calling strategies.
  2. Identify your target customers and understand why your product or services are crucial to them.
  3. Switch to a cloud based phone system to monitor your call center’s performance by leveraging dashboard analytics.
  4. Set up call metrics like first call resolution, average call length, conversion rate, wait times, average wait times, average speed of answer, etc. Feel free to add new metrics that will help evaluate customer experience better.
  5. You can use CRM integrations to merge all customer information into a single piece of information.
  6. Adhere to best practices for conducting call center training.
  7. Ensure your customer support representatives are highly trained in a variety of technical and soft skills.
  8. Never miss an opportunity to strengthen customer relationships by continually working on it. You can try setting up a workflow for outbound calling even when your customers are not reaching you. The best way to achieve this is by offering them sales promotions and product information about the products that they’ve expressed interest in the past.
  9. Always ensure that you are training your customer support representatives to take feedback from your customers during calls and timely convey their comments to the center managers. Your work shouldn’t stop here; you should also implement changes as per customer feedback.

Additional Ways to Improve the Customer Phone Experience

  1. Add the power of industry-leading call center software that supports software integrations for customer support
  2. Use call recording feature to analyze calls and identify issues
  3. Train call centers on live calls by using call listening/whispering features
  4. Analyze calls with transcription software and get valuable insight
  5. Explore omni channel communication capability of call center software
  6. Use sales software to reduce the sales funnel
  7. Get instant customer feedback by using automated surveys

Ultimately, choosing the best call center software can help your sales and support teams to enhance their customer call handling experience. Call center software offers them the right tools to improve their conversation skills and overall phone experience. As far as the right call center solution choice is concerned, then there’s no match to the benefits that Cloud based call center solutions bring to your business.

Note: One pro tip before we end, always ask your support representatives to ask their customers if they need assistance on anything before ending the call. These small gestures go a long way in not only changing their perception of your company but also increasing the likelihood of them telling their friends about your company.