customer communication platform

3 Reasons For Cost-Conscious Business Owners To Stop Using Excel For Telemarketing – Hint: It’s Expensive

May 18, 2021 275 No Comments

I own a business (in-fact, a few). Costs are a real challenge for me because I am constantly playing the push and pull game with money. Thoughts like “Should I hire people now to be ready for more business in the future or should I save money and scramble when business actually comes in”, are constantly doing their rounds in my mind. And this is my constant especially while considering my telemarketing strategies.

I know you all relate. I haven’t yet met an entrepreneur who hasn’t faced these cost challenges. So when it comes to identifying and then purchasing tools for the long run, like telemarketing software, I totally get why business owners hesitate.. You see, telemarketing software is one of those categories of products that is either the easiest sale or a really, really, really tough one. Here’s why–
Some business owners simply don’t understand the real costs associated with their existing system – be it MS Excel or something more exotic (We’ve seen people using paper and pen for tracking to do their telemarketing!).
They’re busy and are afraid of wasted time doing research and afraid of incurring more wasted time implementing a new call center suit or a telemarketing campaign that might not go as per expectations.
With time being the most precious(and scant) commodity there is…I understand this challenge. But they’re doing themselves a disservice by not taking the time to truly understand the cost-savings that can be realized with telemarketing software, which is what I’d like to discuss now.
There are 3 major cost savings associated with switching to a more efficient telemarketing software because you will:

1) Save On Callers With Telemarketing Software:

Let’s face it. Callers come and callers go, especially when it comes to the telemarketing domain. Calling isn’t the most attractive career in the market and few have the aptitude and persistence for it, which means hiring, training and retraining is an extremely expensive proposition. Aavaz is designed to be simple, intuitive, effective and best of all VIRTUAL. Its efficient telemarketing software allows you to hire less expensive callers from anywhere in the country (Philippines). Train them in minutes and not worry about the commute being a reason for them to quit. (Secretly) track every single click, call and sneeze to ensure quality (oh …and don’t worry if they do want to go, you’ll be able to transfer their work to someone else in Timbuktu in a minute……more on that later). Making your telemarketing campaign run smoothly.

2) Save On Process With Telemarketing Software:

As a business owner, you have to know everything about your business, be it back end production or the latest telemarketing scheme. But do you really want to know the best practices of surviving effective cold calling telemarketing campaigns? Do you want to spend time learning/discovering how your this quarter’s telemarketing campaign will run and then teaching every caller that you must enter data in Excel like so. It doesn’t work, even if you get it, the callers won’t. Aavaz telemarketing software is designed with industry best practices, your callers don’t even know it, but are calling like professionals from the minute they get on. You don’t have to learn/discover anything other than knowing that you’re saving big on time, money and cost per lead. Inshort, a hit telemarketing campaign with maximum output!
Fun Fact! Did you know that 7 is the telemarketing industry recommended number of times that you should attempt to dial someone in before giving up?

3) Save On Leads With Telemarketing Software:

The most important metric you have for your telemarketing campaigns in “cost per lead”. You pay money to get a list of prospects(or spend time mining them). You pay money to hire and train callers. You pay the telephone company for talk time and your callers by the hour to generate leads. You call hundreds of prospects to get a few leads. These leads are expensive; they’re like nuggets of gold. Do you want to lose them because your caller decided to quit or forgot to track, or corrupted their Excel workbook? You want every single call-back, appointment and hiccup tracked and followed up on, even if California sank into the Pacific Ocean. And that is what a telemarketing software can provide your business, an ability to track each and every call and lead in your funnel.


I could go into 100 more reasons why you should switch to telemarketing software to successfully generate more leads… Interested in more? Send me an email or reach me at and we can talk at length about why I think you should switch to Aavaz telemarketing software…
Happy Savings!