customer communication platform

Why Outbound Telemarketing Campaigns Fail?

I’ve written about many reasons why and how you should run telemarketing campaigns. As the guy who eats, breathes and sleeps Aavaz and telemarketing – I always get very concerned when someone un-subscribes from Aavaz. This means one of two things A) Aavaz wasn’t good for them (not possible or B) Outbound Telemarketing didn’t work for them. I have witnessed a number of centers that thought it was a hopeless activity but after we’ve visited them and identified what they’re doing wrong have witnessed dramatic turnaround at their operations. To help you run a better campaign it is sometimes good to understand…

Why Warm Calling Is Better Than Cold Calling

You would be surprised at how many people don’t know about this simple tip. It is so much better to call someone who already knows you than calling someone who has never heard of you. So the question is – how do you get someone who doesn’t know you to know you.   Here are some simple tips that help you do cold calling better…or should we say warmer   Warm calling Tip #1: Is it warm in here – Send in an email to the prospect before calling. In fact if possible send a few emails.

Which Industries Can Benefit From Telemarketing….. Hint: Everyone…Learn How.

I worked for a company that sold summer dresses to Boutiques across Canada and the US. Every season they would send out flyers and then follow up with calls. You’d be surprised that even keeping track of calls to 600 boutiques was painful. We got so many call backs not followed up on, leads not closed that it was obvious that a proper system would have been helpful (which back then was a software called GoldMine by ACT…super painful).

Click2Call, Auto Dialer, Preview Dialer, Power Dialer And Predictive Dialer

There is always a lot of consternation in the industry over auto dialing and all its variations. We’re going to try and help you figure out what is what and whether you need to use them. The goal is to help you make better decisions on what software to use and how to really maximize your campaigns.   Definitions   No Dialer: As the name implies. The actual dialing is performed manually by the caller. This is probably the slowest way to make calls… but as you will read in the when to use section, it can still be an okay…

Why are Hosted PBX Systems Becoming Popular Among Businesses?

If you are looking for a business phone system that enhances your customer acquisition rate and improves your brand image, then there’s nothing close to a hosted phone system. It enables your employees to communicate seamlessly with colleagues and customers via their preferred device. The hosted PBX telephony technology is accessible over a network in the cloud which means you don’t have to install any telephone cables or spend money on expensive on-site hardware. Hosted PBX is a cloud-based, robust, and flexible business phone system solution that’s set up at a hosting location and connects your business to it through…

7 Communication Tools You Need for Successful Remote Working

Let’s face it; if you’re not leveraging every new iteration of your communication systems to streamline work processes and maximize productivity, you’re losing out. The COVID-19 pandemic has proved it right. A smooth transition to remote working reality requires you to provide your employees with the right tools to deliver efficiency and drive better business outcomes. To maximize the potential of your existing communication system, you should make a strategic move towards adopting cloud-based communication systems. You can configure cloud systems to get the benefit of business telephony, mobility, team and video collaboration, contact center, and communication integration- everything in…

Capture AMI data with tcpdump and read them with wireshark and other unix tools

Deprecated: preg_split(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($subject) of type string is deprecated in /nas/content/live/aavazwww/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 3506
In the dynamic world of Asterisk development, understanding the data that is being transmitted over your network is vital to debug issues. This is particularly true when working with Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) events, which are utilized in various telecommunication applications. In this article, we delve into the process of capturing and analyzing AMI events using tools such as tcpdump and Wireshark. Here, we provide a step-by-step guide for technical enthusiasts keen on learning the ropes of packet analysis.
Auto Dialer Software – An Important Tool for Customer Engagement
Learn how to select an appropriate auto dialer system, a pivotal tool in enhancing customer engagement. The article discusses various types of auto dialers available in the market, each with its distinctive features and functionalities, ranging from simple voice broadcasters to predictive dialers with advanced control over silent rates to be legally compliant. You will be exposed to the critical aspects to consider while choosing an auto dialer, including adherence to telecom regulatory norms, the quality and nature of the list to be dialed, the messaging and the strategic timing of calls to optimize effectiveness. By delving into this article,...
Aavaz Free PBX in the Cloud with GCP and Twilio
Learn how to get started with the Aavaz Free PBX. You will learn how to deploy the Free PBX in GCP using Twilio as your voice provider/Telephone company. The article will give you all the steps to deploy an instance on GCP, install Aavaz PBX with docker, get a Twilio phone line and get started with making and receiving calls. Dive in if you have basic understanding of Linux, docker and firewalls. Don't worry if you've never worked with Google Cloud Platform(GCP) or Twilio. We will guide you through it.
Key Differences Between Business VoIP and Cloud Phone Systems You Should Know
A lot of articles use the terms “Business VoIP” and “Cloud Phone Systems” interchangeably. In fact “Cloud Phone Systems” are also often referred to as a “Cloud PBX”, “Virtual PBX”, “IP PBX” or “Hosted PBX”. We have in our articles also been guilty of mixing the terms to avoid adding complexity for the average user who is interested in the technology to help grow their business. From a business point of view they both allow you to save on the total cost of ownership, unlike on-premises phone systems. Cloud based phone systems are Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) based phone...